Manuel d'Utilisation - InterTech

InterTech - Users Manual

0 - Preamble.

InterTech introduces the notion of Index of Interest. It is a number (currently between 0 and 20), proportional to the interest you may attach to the stock (in a perspective of purchase). The Index of Interest is calculated according to positive signals emited by stock prices. InterTech allows for the moment two types of analysis, short and middle term, and provides adapted options.

InterTech is a decision-making aid tool, whose users are sole responsible of the operations they make according to the data obtained.

1 - Different targets of analysis

InterTech has a main window, from wich you can perform several types of technical analysis. The first one, the most simple, consists in an individual analysis, concerning one of the stocks quoted within InterTech.

- Individual Analysis

The stock to be considered is proposed in the list situated in the left part of the interface.

Liste des valeurs

An abstract of the stocks list.

You can select it by clicking on its line, or by typing its name or its ticker in the provided area in the upper-left corner of the window.

Zone d'entree de la valeur

The typing area for the stock.

When you type this identifier, InterTech proposes a completion corresponding to the lexicographically nearest name to what you type. If such a completion exists, the button "Launch" is activated, and you can click on it to launch the analysis. Otherwise, InterTech displays "- unknown -".

When the analysis is achieved, a web browser is launched to present the resulting page.

- Grouped Analysis

You can launch a complete analysis on several stocks at the same time. To specify them, you can enter each name, in the same way than for an individual analysis: once the name (or its ticker) is typed, you click on the button "add" to place the stock in a portfolio of stocks, represented in a lower part of the window. This way, you can create your selection of stocks. The analysis is then done by pressing the button "launch", located below the list of stocks of the portfolio. Then the browser appears, displaying a page of results.

selection de valeurs bancaires

A banking stocks selection.

You can save the portfolio you have just created, by clicking the button on which is drawn a floppy disk: InterTech then asks you a file name. You will be able to open this file later (by pressing on the button representing an open folder) to start another analysis.

From the selection of stocks, you can click on one or more of them: the analysis will relate to these selected stocks. You can also remove one or all the stocks by pressing the button "remove".

- Top chart

InterTech makes it possible to you to establish a top chart of stocks, sorted according to one of the following criteria:

The rate of volumes, of which there are several alternatives (2/5 days, 5/10 days, 10/20 days and 20/120 days) according to the reactivity of the study (short term or medium term) takes into account the average of the last 2 days volumes (in the case of a rate of volumes at 2/5 days) and compares it to the average of the last 5 days. E.g, a rate of 1.50 means that the stock in the last 2 days presents a volume 50% higher than the average exchanged in the last 5 days.

A top chart consists of an adapted analysis (without any graphs) of a set of stocks. InterTech computes the best stocks of this set (10 stocks by default), according to criteria related to Technical Analysis.

You can establish a top chart on 3 entities:

Sector. A 'sector' is a category of activity (energy, banking, ...); InterTech proposes a selection of stocks gathered according to these activities.

Compartment. A 'compartment' represents one of the types of markets: Delayed-Payment System, Second Market, New Market, Cac40 (for Paris market place), and Nasdaq, DowJones.

Portfolio.. Such a top chart relates to a selection you had previously made and saved (see before).

Once the analysis is achieved, a browser appears, presenting the top chart in the form of a table. The top values are then written in the "Selection" part (see before): you can then launch a complete analysis on these values.

exemple de palmares

A top chart example.

- Les portefeuilles

Le module de portefeuille permet de gérer un ensemble de valeurs sélectionnées. Il suffit pour en ajouter une de cliquer sur le bouton "Ajouter Pf", de choisir une quantité de titres achetés, puis enfin de choisir soit une date d'achat (le prix sera établi automatiquement), soit un prix d'achat arbitraire.
Dialogue d'ajout de valeur

Onglet Portefeuille

L'onglet Portefeuille

Vous disposez de plusieurs options : ouvrir et sauvegarder un portefeuille, et créer un graphique.
Ce graphique, présenté via une page web, permet de comparer la progression des différentes valeurs du portefeuille:

Graphique du portefeuille

Le graphique du portefeuille

2 - The options

The options of Technical Analysis are specified in the lower part of the main window. This area is permanently displayed. It has several options: Parameters of Study, Display, Top Chart.

Zone d'options

The options area.

- Parameters of study

InterTech provides for the moment an analysis over two periods of time: short-term and middle-term. The default settings for each one of these analysis are customizable. InterTech proposes by default a short-term analysis.

You specify initially the interval (in days) on which InterTech must calculate the emitted signals. By default, InterTech takes into account the last 10 days (until the current date of study).

You can then enter the period over which InterTech preforms the analyses calculations: the beginning date is January 4, 1999, the completion date by default is that of the last day of recorded quotes. You can modify it if you wish to perform 'back-testing', for example.

You can then specify several parameters relating to various methods of Technical Analysis (RSI - Relative Strength Index, Momentum, Bollinger bands, ...).

The following parameter (Period of calculation of the averages) indicates the period during which InterTech will calculate an average of quotes (or volumes, or of exchanged capital) to compare it to the quote (or to the volume, or to the capital) of one given day. It is thus advised to put a low number for the short term, and a higher number for medium term.

It is up to you to specify several parameters concerning the moving average: duration of a main moving average (dayly or weekly, it will be taken into account for calculations) and duration of a secondary moving average (dayly, intended for the display).

- Display

You indicate to InterTech which curves and graphs you wish to see. These choices do not modify any computations of InterTech.

You also indicate the type of sorting InterTech will use to display the result of the analysis of several stocks: the titles could be classified by index of interest or by rate of volumes.

The curves are calculated according to the average quotes of each day.

You can then display the curve of the quotes in a smoothed form, for a clearer display.

The last options relate to the display of signals emitted before the interval of study (see before). You have visual details on the Technical Analysis and the emitted signals.

- Top chart

You indicate in this part the number of values that must integrate the top chart, as well as the type of sorting: just as for the complete analysis, the sorting will be able to relate on the index of interest, or the rates of volumes (specify in this last case the rate to be taken into account; it is advised to choose the first rates: 2/5 for the short term, and 5/10 for medium term).

- Calculation of the index of interest

This area is for you if you want to customize the way InterTech calculates the index of interest. You choose the several methods you need to take into account for the calculation, and you can give them more or less strength.

For further details about InterTech, contact us.